We are so out of control developing new and exciting tools just for you that we needed a new way for you to request and track work! In order to help streamline our development process, and to make it easier than ever for you to ask us to get something done for you, we've created a brand new work order request system to the existing Pro Workflow http://www.myicontrol.com! This will help you easily file a request and ensure that it winds up in the right place, calling the attention of the right people.
What does all the mean?
Just log in & click New Request
It doesn't get any easier than that. Once you give us your details, your request will be entered into the system and delivered to a developer that day. You can log in at any time and get a full status report of the progress of your request.
Can I still call or email?
Yes, always! And in many cases we may call or email you in order to get more information - but having your request in the system gives you a better way to track where your project is at, what is still needed and when it may be done, or log additional changes that are required.
The Truth About Email
Here's the dirty truth about email - only 81% of all email reaches an Inbox and from those that do make it, 78% of never get read! (stats: ReturnPath) It's crazy that I am sitting here typing this knowing that, based on the stats, less than 5% of you guys will actually read this - but I do have more faith in my clients!
We (ILGM) have fallen victim to these stats ourselves - sadly, yes - there have been times that I have dug through emails that are 14, 30 even 60 days old that got "lost" in the black-hole we sometimes call our Inbox. And as we continue to grow I felt the need to make sure that you guys are not the results of these stats - your too important for that.
Pro Workflow - allows you and ILGM to communicate, request, track and distribute work in the most efficient way we know how!
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