The Customer Support Center
This is your first stop when you need something done or fixed. You'll send an email to or sign in and add a New Ticket with your request or question.
Note: How to Log Into the Support System
Once we receive a ticket, we evaluate it and categorize it as a question, work request, or communication on an existing project.
As of this post, stats show that 59% of all tickets are responded to within 1 hour (typically a question) of receiving the request and overall we respond to all other tickets (typically work requests) within 24-30 hours, basically the next business day.
New questions may be addressed by any of our support agents and existing tickets will be addressed by the original responding agent. Project communications will almost always be handled by the lead agent on your project.
In order to keep the continuity flowing between clients and projects, we try to assign new project requests to the agent you have mostly worked with. This way the client/agent relationship can develop and mature over time making it much easier for the agent to understand that client's business and needs. This has proven to be the most efficient way of handling anywhere from 4-500 requests/mo between all agents.
Ticket Stats:
All new tickets are looked at by the next available agent. If the agent can answer the question they will, otherwise they will assign it to the appropriate agent.
Existing tickets are typically addressed by the agent originally assigned to the ticket.
The lifecycle of a ticket:
- When a new ticket or a response to an existing ticket comes into the system it is automatically categorized as OPEN/NEW.
- When an agent responds to the ticket and they need more information, they will send their question(s) and change the status to PENDING.
- When an agent responds to the ticket and they DON'T need more information, they will send their response and change the status to SOLVED.
- Tickets that the agent knows the customer needs more time to respond or gather collateral like photos or content may be set to ON until the client sends the necessary information, but this is rare.
Status Definition & actions.
OPEN/NEW Tickets: These will remain in the Open status until an agent responds. OPEN tickets are prioritized by reviewing date/time. You will get an email notification stating that we have received the request and an agent will be assigned shortly.
PENDING Tickets: When an agent responds and they need more information, your ticket will be moved into the pending status and you will immediately get an email with the agent question(s). If you do not respond to your ticket within 24hrs the system will automatically send you a reminder. If you do not respond to your ticket within 5 days, the system will send you a second reminder. If you do not respond to your ticket within 7 days the system will tag your ticket with "No Response" and the system will automatically change the status to CLOSED.
SOLVED Tickets: These are tickets that the agent has deemed completed and they manually set the status to SOLVED. You'll get a notification stating that your ticket has been resolved. You have 24hrs to add any additional information to the ticket before it is CLOSED.
CLOSED Tickets: These are tickets that have been set to SOLVED for 24hrs and the system will automatically change the status to CLOSED. Once a ticket is set to the Close, it can no longer be updated. If you try to update it, the system will automatically create a new ticket.
ON-HOLD Tickets: Just as stated above, these are tickets that an agent has put on hold to allow the client to gather all the needed collateral we may need to finish your project.
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